The basis for the successful use of cylinders by consumers is not only their performance characteristics, but also, first of all, reliability and safety. Throughout the entire period of production and operation there was not a single case of their failure. With a safety margin of 2.6 P (P-working pressure), the actual destruction of automobile cylinders occurs at a pressure of 78 - 82 MPa, and cyclic durability reaches 20,000 cycles, with a guaranteed 15,000, which is confirmed by tests carried out upon acceptance of each batch of cylinders

Cylinder testing

- истек срок назначенного освидетельствования;
- истек срок службы баллона;
- имеются признаки воздействия огня;
- бывшие в аварии на транспортном средстве;
- неисправны вентили;
- отсутствуют надлежащие надписи;
- на композитной оболочке которых имеются продольные риски длиной более 25 мм и глубиной более 1,25 мм или длиной более 200 мм и глубиной более 0,75 мм;
- присутствуют следы воздействия агрессивных веществ.
Эксплуатация баллонов запрещена, у которых:
Руководство по организации эксплуатации газобаллонных автомобилей, работающих на компримированном природном газе (РД 03112194-1095-03)
Не заправлять зимой перед постановкой транспорта в отапливаемый гараж!
Не превышать (заправлять) выше разрешенного (рабочего) давления в баллоне!
For an explosion or ignition to occur, the formation of a fuel-air mixture is necessary, that is, volumetric mixing of gas with air. The presence of gas in a cylinder under pressure eliminates the possibility of air entering there, while in tanks with gasoline or diesel fuel there is always a mixture of their vapors and air. The lower temperature and concentration limits of ignition of liquefied petroleum and natural gas are significantly higher than those of liquid petroleum fuels. This indicates that gas fuels are safer if the operating and maintenance rules are followed. Comparing CNG and fuels and lubricants, it should be noted that liquefied petroleum gas is more dangerous in operation. It is heavier than air and tends to fall when there is a spill. In this case, the gas intensively evaporates and forms an explosive mixture with air in the ground layer.

Tensile test result. Natural gas is almost twice lighter than air and when leaking it tends to rise, quickly “dissolving” in the atmosphere. Therefore, in most countries, the construction of CNG filling stations is permitted directly in urban residential and public areas. Moreover, many countries allow refueling of vehicles with natural gas in underground garages.
Automotive gas cylinders themselves do not pose as much danger as is often imagined. They have a multiple safety margin and must meet the requirement of non-fragmentation destruction
If the rules of operation and maintenance are not followed, any technical product poses a certain danger. Gas vehicles are no exception. At the same time, when determining potential risks, one should take into account such objective physical and chemical properties of gases as temperature and concentration limits of auto-ignition.

Conducted tests

- истек срок назначенного освидетельствования;
- истек срок службы баллона;
- имеются признаки воздействия огня;
- бывшие в аварии на транспортном средстве;
- неисправны вентили;
- отсутствуют надлежащие надписи;
- на композитной оболочке которых имеются продольные риски длиной более 25 мм и глубиной более 1,25 мм или длиной более 200 мм и глубиной более 0,75 мм;
- присутствуют следы воздействия агрессивных веществ.
Эксплуатация баллонов запрещена, у которых:
Руководство по организации эксплуатации газобаллонных автомобилей, работающих на компримированном природном газе (РД 03112194-1095-03)
Не заправлять зимой перед постановкой транспорта в отапливаемый гараж!
Не превышать (заправлять) выше разрешенного (рабочего) давления в баллоне!
  • Exposure to open flame. The surface of the cylinder, loaded with operating pressure, is heated to 590 C, while the gas must be released through a safety device; to ensure resistance to defects in the composite shell of the cylinder. Marks of a certain depth and length are applied to the shell. The cylinder with marks must withstand at least 3000 cycles of loading with a pressure of 1.3 P;
  • Tests for shot according to GOST ISO 11439-2014
Tests carried out on cylinders:
  • Long-term exposure to loads when a cylinder with a pressure of 1.3 R is kept at a temperature of +65 C for 1000 hours. During the subsequent destruction test, the cylinder must withstand a pressure not less than the design pressure;
  • Impact resistance when the cylinder is dropped three times onto a concrete surface from a height of 1.8 meters in different positions, after which it must withstand at least 3000 cycles of loading with a pressure of 1.3 R;

Test video

Type 3 cylinders, developed and produced by NPF Real-Storm, are absolutely explosion-proof and have enhanced functional properties. They are applicable both in everyday life and in industry, transportation systems
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Test video
Type 3 cylinders, developed and produced by NPF Real-Storm, are absolutely explosion-proof and have enhanced functional properties. They are applicable both in everyday life and in industry, transportation systems
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