Certificate for metal composite cylinders from 20 to 210 liters for compressed natural gas at an operating pressure of 20 MPa (24.5 MPa). Technical regulations TR CU 032/2013. TU 4591-010-13055988-2006
Certificate for metal composite cylinders (type 3) from 20 to 210 liters for compressed natural gas at an operating pressure of 20 MPa. Technical Regulations TR CU 018/2011. TU 4591-010-13055988-2006
Certificate for cylinders for water, aqueous solutions and extinguishing gases from 3.9 to 31.4 MPa. TU 1410-001-13055988-05
Certificate for metal composite cylinders from 0.050 to 0.185 m3, maximum allowable working pressure, MPa: 31.4; 39.2. TU 2296-012-13055988-2009
Certificate for metal composite cylinders from 47 to 185 liters for compressed air, gases and liquids at an operating pressure of 20 MPa (24.5 MPa). Technical regulations TR CU 032/2013. TU 2296-009- 13055988-2005
Certificate of recognition of the manufacturer by the "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping"
Certificate of standard approval of products "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping "
Certificate of recognition of the manufacturer by the "Russian River Register"