The cylinders designed and manufactured by RPC “REAL-STORM” have increased functional properties . They are applicable both in everyday life and in industry, transportation systems


Important documentation (required for all consumers to read)
The basis for the successful use of cylinders by consumers is not only their performance characteristics, but also, first of all, reliability and safety
Cylinder testing
The basis for the successful use of cylinders by consumers is not only their performance characteristics, but also, first of all, reliability and safety
Cylinder testing
Please read these instructions carefully before installing the valve on a metal composite cylinder.
Information on valve operation
Please read these instructions carefully before installing the valve on a metal composite cylinder.
Information on valve operation
Installation of cylinders in accordance with the rules and in a specialized service guarantees safe operation
Cylinder installation
Installation of cylinders in accordance with the rules and in a specialized service guarantees safe operation
Cylinder installation


© 1996–2023 LLC “RPF “REAL-STORM”
Contacts for communication

Company address

426039 21 Novosmirnovskaya Street, town of Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, RUSSIA
Sales Department

Fill in the feedback form, if you have any questions or suggestions. We will contact you shortly
Contact Form